Beginning the Week of Light

Every October, parents and families all over the world come together to honor the little ones who are no longer with us, sharing stories of love and loss, pain and remembrance

. For me, this week is a deeply personal time, one that holds both sadness and beauty.

I lost my daughter, Tima, to medical complications. Her story is one of love, hope, and the preciousness of time — time that, no matter how short, leaves an indelible mark on our hearts. Though her time with us was brief, her presence remains with me, lighting my way even on the darkest days.

This year, as we step into Baby Loss Awareness Week, I am reminded that while the pain of loss is often overwhelming, this week offers us something gentle — a space to remember, to reflect, and to honor the little ones we hold in our hearts. It’s a week to be still, to let the memories come, and to share them with others who understand.

I’ve created a dedicated page on Dancing Salamanders for the Week of Light, where I’ll be sharing daily blog posts, live streaming sessions, and stories to raise awareness and offer a place for us to come together. Whether you’ve experienced loss yourself or want to support someone close to you, I hope this week can be a source of comfort and understanding.

Why the Week Matters:

Baby Loss Awareness Week is not just about grief; it’s about acknowledging the reality that many families carry a quiet, invisible sorrow. It’s a time for all of us, whether we’ve experienced this loss personally or know someone who has, to break the silence that so often surrounds baby loss. Too often, we hide these stories, not because they are shameful, but because the world doesn’t always know how to hold them gently.

This week opens a space for our stories to be heard — not just in whispers, but in the light of day. It’s about letting people know that these tiny lives, no matter how brief, mattered. When we light candles, share memories, or speak the names of our children, we honor their place in the world and our hearts.

For parents like me, this week is an opportunity to step out of the shadows of grief, if only for a moment, and find connection with others who understand. It’s about knowing that our grief is seen, that our children are remembered, and that we don’t have to carry this weight alone. Through events like the Wave of Light, where families all over the world light candles at 7 p.m. in their local time zones, we create a beautiful chain of light, spanning continents and time zones. Each flame becomes a tiny point of remembrance, a shared light for those who cannot be with us.

The Purpose of Awareness:

Raising awareness helps build a compassionate world where baby loss is understood, not avoided. Too often, families grieve in silence because those around them don’t know what to say or how to help. Baby loss is a deeply sensitive subject, and people may fear saying the wrong thing or unintentionally causing more pain. That silence, though, can feel isolating for those who are already hurting.

By creating space for open conversation, awareness bridges that gap. It’s a way to let families know that it’s okay to talk about their children, and it’s okay to grieve in whatever way they need to. Speaking our children’s names, sharing their stories, and lighting candles are simple acts, but they have the power to lift a small piece of the weight we carry. It’s a reminder that while our children may no longer be physically with us, they remain part of our lives.

I still remember the difference it made when someone reached out to me in understanding, when instead of avoiding my grief, they allowed me the space to share it. Those small moments of recognition and presence were more comforting than any attempt to ‘fix’ the pain. Sometimes, it’s not about finding the right words — it’s about being there, being present, and being willing to listen.

Introducing the Week’s Structure:

Throughout the week, I’ll be sharing a series of posts, live streams, and reflections, each dedicated to different aspects of baby loss, remembrance, and healing. Each morning, I’ll be hosting a short livestream to talk about the day’s theme and share some music or reflections. You can find all the details and links on the Week of Light page.

Here’s a glimpse of what’s to come:

  • October 7th: Beginning the Week of Light
    An introductory post on the purpose of Baby Loss Awareness Week, why it’s important.

  • October 8th: A Letter to My Little One
    Reflecting on the love and memories I hold.

  • October 9th: How to Support Grieving Parents
    A guide on how to offer meaningful support to parents navigating the loss of a child.

  • October 10th: Memories We Hold Dear
    A story from us.

  • October 11th: Remembering Without Fear
    Exploring the power of remembering, even when it brings pain, and how it helps in healing.

  • October 12th: Felix the Start-Tinkerer
    A new Star Sailor story where Felix is a mischievous fox who spends his nights repairing broken stars. He’s made many mistakes, but he’s always working to set them right. Star Sailor learns that everyone makes mistakes, but it’s what you do after that defines who you are.

  • October 13th: The Healing Power of Creativity
    Reflecting on how art, music, and writing have helped process grief and express what words can’t.

  • October 14th: Tending Our Garden of Love
    A new Star Sailor story where grief and love grow together, symbolizing remembrance and healing.

  • October 15th: Honoring All Little Lights
    The final livestream event, where we light our candles together and share the stories, songs, and memories that keep our children close.

How to Get Involved:

I invite you to join me each day as we reflect on these themes. Whether through sharing your own story, lighting a candle in memory of your little one, or simply taking a quiet moment to reflect, your participation helps make this week a space for healing and connection. Even if sharing publicly feels too raw, I welcome you to join privately, knowing that your light is still part of the larger whole.

To stay updated on the daily posts and livestreams, you can visit the dedicated page on Dancing Salamanders. There, you’ll find links to each day’s livestream and resources. You can also find more information about Baby Loss Awareness Week and the Wave of Light if you want to learn more or participate in other ways.


This week is a reminder that while grief can feel all-encompassing, remembrance is an act of love. Each candle lit, each memory shared, is a testament to the light our little ones brought into the world, no matter how brief their time with us. Their lights continue to shine — softly, steadily — guiding us through the darkness of loss.

Thank you for walking with me through this Week of Light.


Dear little sun, star sailor


Supporting Those Closest in Loss